2 Feb 2020

02.02.2020 - Perpetual activity - Quotes

Today is a special 1000th year date, or maybe 1000 is an
understatement of the century.

02.02.2020. Read it backwards and it'll still look the same.

So, Happy Special 1000th year, and do something, so that this event of yours will be etched and recorded to this day forever. 🎬🎭

Actually, come to think of it, this date will never come again. And if you were just reading this note now, other than on 02.02.2020 itself there's nothing much you can do about it, or can you?

I think you can. I'm going to use this space to add on quotations as and when necessary. So, if you want to be connected to this "once ever" date, just put in your own quotation down (or someone else's, but please include the original author's name) in the comments section, and if it's worthy enough, I'll have it added into this space. Then, in itself, this 02.02.2020 could become perpetually active.

To start off, here are some quotes:

Without practice, seemingly simple things would seem difficult.👀👀

- Current author


Talent is a pursuit interest. Anything you will into practice you can do.

- Bob Ross


The noblest art is that of making others happy.

- P.T. Barnum


Don't worry or be unhappy, and don't let others affect you (though you may be used to being unaffected).
Be joyful, inwards always, no matter how the external situation is. People, their words and action shall never be the control of our inner self. If we allow that, then that'll be the worst kind of slavery.

- Current author


One who believes that there is a heaven and associations of it, and one who believes that there isn't, bears no differences. Each of them has to be indoctrinated, be forced, or rely on acceptance of being born into, being taught, being shown scriptures, even though unproven.

Whereas one who accepts "I don't know" will seek to open a world of possibilities beyond comprehension of established beliefs and blindness.

In that, "I am right, you are wrong" would not exists.

- Current author | Adapted from Sadhguru


From the first moment you are born, your parents, your teachers, just about everybody in the world is trying to teach you a whole lot of things that never worked in their lives.

- Sadhguru


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