14 Dec 2015


Recently, someone cut & pasted a topic to a social media group, whereby issues were raised, of why there were too many excuses and not enough focus on young...
upstart businesses to be successful. This now, is my two cents worth:

All's well and good when you're just starting up. When you're still young. When you're in your mid-twenties or mid-thirties.

But what would it be when you're an old cock, when you're pushing way past 50? When your nose had been at the grinding wheel for the past 30 years or more? Doing everything that needs done the way it's supposed to be, staying focused as best as you could?

But the outcome of it eventually, were mostly either you get sabotaged, or get nudged out of the game altogether.

So how would it be then? Still sticking to your "Keep on doing" thingee? And within that same context, saying, "For things to change, you have to change", that "You can't blame others for your shortcomings?"

Please! Be more appropriate. Don't think that your 'one size fits all' cut & paste monologue is the key. Sure, some advices no matter how vague, may sound practical in general, but surely, they are specific to only a fraction.

Appropriateness and specific acid tests should also be key consideration. You'll never know until you've tried and tested some, if not more, to open doors.

The famous Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken, for instance, did not really keep and owned wholly, the franchise he founded. Apart from Sanders finally ending up as an ambassador to KFC, the franchise produced mixed results, and only really took off after being sold and bought by various investors and companies throughout its history. You couldn't really say that there was focus by one individual here, could you?

Then there's the question of your 'calling', your 'passion'. That in itself, could open up a whole bag of worms, or not. Let's not go there just yet.

In any game, there are winners and there are losers. The question is, what do you say to a loser who's given it all? "Never give up? Keep on trying?" Hah!

Then there's that, "At least you still have a good health" bit, that "Peaceful longevity" and debatably, "A fantastic afterlife paradise awaiting you?" blah blah. Hoorah!

Then, if all else fail, there's still that, "It may be your destiny, your fate?" bit. Such cliché.

This discourse, will undoubtedly find your comfortable resonance rattled up maybe a little too harsh. But should it not be spoken? Or should it be considered an issue that needs addressing, a major reality that's all too common but hushed, that's seldom questioned and hardly ever being answered to? At least, here then, could there be an appreciation of the two sides of a coin.

Just a thought. A thought that you young people, who's got a whole life ahead of you, who could and should ponder and think through, deeply.

As the case may be, taking one's own medicine is not always agreeable, so let this be a challenge to see what comeback, you can come up with, if any. Anyone?

(Author's note: Depending on readers' interest and comment or feedback, this issue may be continued in upcoming segments. So, do follow this blog and stay tuned. Thanks and cheers!)

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