11 Aug 2015


That's the key, 'the beginning and the being, not the end'.

What the world needs more is the awareness of being. Most of the world is lost in becoming...
and doing, always lost in the next thing.

The present moment is never acknowledged, because he or she is constantly running away from it, to get to become.

Yes, you have to have a life goal, to get to something, but as you pursue something, whatever that is, are you losing continuously, the present moment? That, you're never comfortable with, the is ness of the present moment, except for brief glances and glimpses, you never live the beauty, see the aliveness, the miraculous nature of life that's always around you. It's never fully appreciated because you're too absorbed in becoming.

It's always the next thing, never this.

If it's the beginning, no worries then. Live life to the fullest. Worry very little about the end, think less of becoming, because the more you think about becoming, the more you worry. The more you worry, the more you think, the more you think about it, the more it'll become you.

You are as old as you think.

So stop thinking and reminding yourselves about old age, retiring and the like. It hasn't happen yet, far from it. If it happens, let it happen when it happens.

Think about beginning now. Think about now, and think consciously, for now is here, today, present, not tomorrow, not yesterday. Consume it with all your life, accept it with a new beginning, for you've lived long enough to know acceptance or rejection.

It has been said, children will take care of themselves, they'll go through life as you have, so will others, that's how most masses will think of themselves. But only a small proportion will think of the welfare of others, no matter how young or old or whom or when. Albeit most will go about their lives as long as it is 'just good enough'. But is your goodness really the best? Or is there more that you could presently be conscious of?

Whether or not you choose to be in that level of consciousness, is again, really a choice that's yours.

Whatever that choice may be, always be sure that there should be an equal balance, and where there's an equilibrium of balance, it only takes very little to tip the balance to err.

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